Obama, Medvedev sign nuclear arms treaty
April 8: With the Russians on board, White House aides hope to get China to agree to new sanctions against Iran. NBC's Chuck Todd reports.
Nightly News
updated 1 hour, 32 minutes ago
PRAGUE - Seeking to end years of rancor, President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday signed the biggest nuclear arms pact in a generation and envisioned a day when they can compromise on the divisive issue of missile defense.
The new treaty, the first of its kind in two decades and nearly a year in the making, signaled a bold new opening in relations between the former Cold War foes. Both leaders hoped for more progress on economic matters and potentially even deeper cuts in their robust nuclear arsenals, while the Russian president still warned of potential pitfalls ahead.
The pact will shrink the limit of nuclear warheads to 1,550 per country over seven years. That still allows for mutual destruction several times over. But it is intended to send a strong signal that Russia and the U.S. — which between them own more than 90 percent of the world's nuclear weapons — are serious about disarmament.
60 countries are getting involved with this treaty, if Israel does not comply, not only will it be political suicide, it will label them as a rogue/terrorist country, and at the least they will loose U.S. support. They will either have to comply with the demands, or be hated by all nations (Which is prophecy) after this they will comply to some degree due to compromise (Which is Prophecy). See Israel is building their 3rd Temple (Which is prophecy) and Palestine-Gaza, and so forth, feel it is their right, and not Israels, therefor in order to continue construction of this Temple, they will have to cease ceremonies there for a time, as you guessed it this is prophecy! Inevitably, they will set up the temple which will hold the abomination of desolation. And great tyranny will begin, as you can see it is a domino effect well on it's way.